Friday, July 4, 2008

Photo download

I will create a download file for anyone who would like all the
pictures that I took from camp


This Picture Concludes Summer Camp 2008

Were back

At Cabelas, almost home...

First and last rest stop, back in PA

Mr. Anger driving the group back home

Alyana and Bethany saying Hi

Is everyone here?

Shirt signing

Peter unloading his luggage :)

Brother Mik getting the "top dog" award

Last pic award ceremony

Award ceremony 2

Team awards ceremony

Last Message of Summer Camp

Bro. Mik has given his all into this camp and it is evident. He is
right now preaching from the book Nehemiah. It sounds like it is going
to be about the mercy of God.


Getting ready to hear the preaching


Breakfast is finished, campers belongings are packed, singing is beginning

Last Night

Its been an awesome day, but quite quite busy. Its 12 oclock and
lights are finally off (not flashlights). They are making up stories
with shadow puppets on the wall. Who knows why they can't just go to
bed :) Maybe because of all the mountain dew. :)

I told the kid beside me to spit out his gum because I didn't want it
in his hair, so he showed me his gum on his tongue and said, "You see
it now, now you don't" and swolled the gum.... Maybe you like to
swallow your gum, but that's definitely not me.

ok, I had a great time sharing and telling testimonies with the guys
tonight. All of the guys in my cabin are from New Testament Baptist
and Cornerstone Baptist. It was great to meet them, I hope these guys
are serious about making the changes they mentioned.

Please pray for your teens to follow through on the choices they've
made. There were a number of testimonies shared at the end of the
service, but I've known many many teens share great testimonies and
not change help encourage them along in their choices.

The message tonightvwas calls Fake Faith. The main text was Luke 18.
It is very easy for a teen to want to live a "lazy" Christian life
without standards. They think they can get the best of both worlds. As
you know, its one path or the other. A fake faith is not what Christ
wants and its not what others want either. God doesn't want luke warm
Christians. Just a thought of mine. What is a luke-warm Christian? A
disobedient servant. You either serve Christ or the devil, you cannot
serve two masters.
