Monday, June 30, 2008

Preaching Update Day1

The message was excellent. Very applicable to all the teens. Brother
Mick made the point to the teens that EVERY decision has a cost. The
story was from 2 Chronicles 25 and it was about the life of Amaziah.
This man made a lot of good decisions, however he made on decision
which destroyed. Another point in relation to that is God doesn't
always just kill a person for their wicked decision. He will allow
them to suffer from their choice when they decide to go their own way.
I can see God is working on some of these guys.

Right now the guys in my cabin are enjoying doing a lightshow with
their flashlights and making a lot of noise while eating candy. *sigh*
Hopefully they'll go to sleep soon :)

Thanks for reading the blog and praying, g'night everyone!


P.S. Please excuse my typos it is not always easy to write full
messages fast on an iPhone :)

Watermelon 2

Watermellon contest

Game time 3

Question time2

Question and answer time from the message

First service

The first service will be starting soon. We just finished having a
prayer meeting with the teens. Some seem to be tired from the long
trip, so pray that they will be awake and alert for this masage.

First camp supper1

Checking out the schedule

Choosing team groups

Bro. Purks and his kids

Camper Introduction

Worn out brothers getting a drink


First pic from Camp - Basketball

The Bus Driver Keeping Himself Busy

Camp Begins!!!

Welcome to LVBC Camp 08

I will updae this blog as camp progresses assuming I have Internet
connection there :)

Enjoy, and Please pray for Camp!

Benjamin Hall